Saturday, 20 June 2009



And so, the Nu-Liebore Gestapo silently swings into action.....crushing any Citizen that dares to attempt to stand up for decency and common sense......coming to a Town near YOU!!
- Peter Jones, Amersham, UK, 20/6/2009 7:14
Click to rate Rating 345Report abuse

Can't we joke anymore now days without being judge??
- Tag, paris, 20/6/2009 7:09
Click to rate Rating 355Report abuse

This is why IVF should be abolished as it creates too many problems and is too costly. Without jnowing all the facts it is hard to work out who is in the right but clearly the mother has brain damage from her car accident with memory loss so why would anyone think that she would be capable of looking after babies?
- Victoria Kerst (English Expat), Sydney, Australia, 20/6/2009 7:09
Click to rate Rating 551Report abuse

This is very common behaviour from social workers who prefer to go after soft, law-abiding targets instead of confronting dangerous abusers. SS claim they're over-worked, but while they persecute this innocent family they aren't spending time protecting children who need it.
- Cathy, England, 20/6/2009 7:08
Click to rate Rating 438Report abuse

This is horrible. The system is broken, but it can't be fixed. The main problem is the type of people working in the system. That has to be fixed as part of a major overhaul of the social services agencies.
- Hari Seldon, Fort Rouge, Canada, 20/6/2009 7:02
Click to rate Rating 326Report abuse

Sometimes there is more to the story than is reported. We aren't able to hear the social workers side. A nurse had concerns. I'm sure they wouldn't take babies off people unnecessarily.
- kath, cheshire, 20/6/2009 7:00
Click to rate Rating 167Report abuse

A secret family court? Taking children away over a joke? What is this, Nazi Germany ? Who are these people, who gives them the right to take away anything or anyone, specially with no valid, proper reason? And who are these secret courts? And why doesn´t every parent take a stand against this? For fear they could be next? Because if this carries on, you may well be next.
The taking of a child into care should be made in an open court, with valid reasons (not assumptions) by qualified people, and only for protection of the child. There is much money to be made by these organisations specially from new born adoptions, the reasons are kept secret, the reasons usually involving trivial and pointless motives.
As it stands its no more then child snatching, with a court order that is of course, secret. Why does anyone have to endure this? Specially in so called civilised UK?
- Simon T., Bucks Right Here UK, 20/6/2009 6:59
Click to rate Rating 105Report abuse

-A council spokesman said: 'Only in exceptional circumstances would we seek to separate a child of any age from their parents. This decision was undertaken with a great deal of thought and following thorough assessment.'

- Nikki, Bemidji MN US, 20/6/2009 6:57
Click to rate Rating 80Report abuse

What a terrible situation for this couple to be in. Why didn't the social services give these parents practical help and advice if they really thought the parents didn't know how to care for their babies?
No one is claiming the babies were hurt or abused, so why remove them from their parents love and care? It is completely wrong and harmful for both babies and parents, and the babies should be returned to their parents.
It is ridiculous that parents who do nothing wrong can have their children taken off them, while abusive parents carry on abusing their children - sometimes with fatal results.
A bit of common sense and practicality is needed by the social workers in this case I feel.
- anna, south island nz, 20/6/2009 6:55
Click to rate Rating 86Report abuse

This is disgusting, Social workers are nothing more than baby stealers. The whole system needs to be looked into. If they had concerns over this couple then a close eye could have been kept on them with their children in their own home.
- uni, wigan england, 20/6/2009 6:53
Click to rate Rating 78Report abuse

A woman jokes about her waistline after birth, and the courts threaten to take away her children.

A woman beats her children to death, drowns them, starves them, sexually abuses them, and the courts look the other way.

Your justice system is a JOKE!!!
- Pennie, michigan usa, 20/6/2009 6:47
Click to rate Rating 125Report abuse

This must ahve been one of the few times they have taken a great deal of care and assessment. These people need to get a grip.
- Gordon, B'ham, 20/6/2009 6:44
Click to rate Rating 60Report abuse

These are the sort of problems that decent parents are now going to get (I'm assuming they are decent parts having gone to so much trouble to have children, they obviously wanted them) following the baby P case. The officials involved were (and still are) being persecuted, by the media, for the action of individual thugs who are product of, nu Labour created, morally corrupt broken society where few know the difference between right and wrong.

The result: officials who completely over-react!
- A, Broken Britain, 20/6/2009 6:41
Click to rate Rating 63Report abuse

Here we go again..
These town hall morons just can't get it right.
Who trains these people.?
- Rick, NEWCASTLE UK, 20/6/2009 6:34
Click to rate Rating 67Report abuse

I'm sure there's more to this that meets the eye.
- dotty1, Bury St Emunds, Suffolk, 20/6/2009 6:32
Click to rate Rating 25Report abuse

It is amazing how the number of babies now being taken into care has shot up since NuLiebour brought in council targets for adoption and money for meeting said targets. Unsurprisingly, in Scotland where no adoption targets have been imposed, the number of babies taken into care hasn't dramatically increased.

How many families have been needlessly torn apart to meet targets, while other children are left to be tortured to death. The whole social service system needs to be overhauled, and family courts should no longer operate in secret to cover social workers failings.
- Mo, London, 20/6/2009 6:27
Click to rate Rating 82Report abuse

Thank God we don't burn witches any more.

If this is not like the medieval ducking stool, I don't know what else is.

They wade in (to meet targets for adoption), decide that the parents are not capable of bringing up their own children (based on nothing concrete - just "concerns"), take the children away (there can be nothing more cruel), then, when the parents naturally get angry, the declare "we told you so" - case proven - target met - on to the next one.

Based on this "ducking stool" logic, I will now prove that every single aircraft on the planet is lethal and should be grounded at once.

Drain all but 100 gallons of the fuel, don't tell the pilots, and send them on their way. They will all crash - thus proving that they are all lethal and should be scrapped. Next we can move onto shooting the tyres of cars on motorways and soon, we should have everyone fully "protected".
It's "for their own good".
- Paul Kearns, Ilfracombe, HMP, England, 20/6/2009 6:24
Click to rate Rating 83Report abuse

most people would be driven to madness with the insulting and inhuman newspeak spouted in self serving justification by Labour's jobs worths, we used to laugh about "Brave New World" well Bliar's New Labour have created a monster out of Britain. The British SS now appear to have lost all semblance of compassion and reason. For heaven's sake put yourself in this woman's shoes, she has tried 5 rounds of IVF , has paid 30000 pounds to conceive and some stranger has taken her children after she carried them almost to term, is she expected to be meek and accepting that big brother knows best. For shame.
- dunxx, cpt, 20/6/2009 6:18
Click to rate Rating 974Report abuse

The petite, 5ft 2in woman was accused of throwing her mobile phone at a social worker, and officials once called the police during an angry case conference.

What a surprise, taking away her children and they expect her to stand by passively?
Another case of lawful middle class UK being the easy target, they dare not do this on a council estate because they know they would have their backsides kicked.

SOME of these social workers beggar belief, from no action to over action.
- Roly, Corfu, 20/6/2009 6:10
Click to rate Rating 1079Report abuse

It's a pity these ''nurses/social workers/secret courts'' weren't around to offer the same concerns for ''Baby P'', As for the ''council spokesman'' where was he when needed?
Sledgehammer to crack a walnut in this specific case, I fear.
- Alan Digby, Whitby, 20/6/2009 6:05
Click to rate Rating 821Report abuse

It seems to me that you people in the UK have lost whatever common sense, liberty, and freedom you might have had at some point in recent history (say maybe 1950's and 60's). You have social workers running amok, big brother state surveillance everywhere, quasi-judicial procedures where people can be fined and confined because of a neighbour's complaint, and totally inept and greedy politicians who have fed at the public trough and reduced your country to shambles while they line they own pockets at the expense of the citizens. Whatever new policies and ideas your politicos come up with, please do the rest of the world a favour, keep it in your own country. UK you are the warning to the nations- this is how a once free and democratic society turns into a totalitarian socialist state where everyone thinks they are free- but are really nothing more than peons in a bureacratic nightmare. And what's worse, you people will keep voting the bums in!
- sludge, Ontario, Canada, 20/6/2009 5:49
Click to rate Rating 920Report abuse

Social workers cannot conprehend that taking peoples children away is going to make them angry. Who appoints these idiots???
- CJ, Ireland, 20/6/2009 5:49
Click to rate Rating 960Report abuse

Give them back their children and monitor them. Here we go again!
- Chris, Goa, India, 20/6/2009 4:39
Click to rate Rating 732Report abuse

Welcome to the fascist state, complete with secret courts, over bearing government agencies and no liberty. Britain is a joke.
- John Raybould, Georgia, USA (ex-pat), 20/6/2009 4:27
Click to rate Rating 226Report abuse

The hospital workers ought to be deeply ashamed. They ignored ethics and compassion. Instead of caring for this family and helping and instructing the new parents, the hospital workers turned over the parents to the authorities! The parents and children are despicably betrayed.

As for the social workers and council, they are pure evil. Is part of their job description to steal children?
- Linda Rivera, New York, USA, 20/6/2009 4:20
Click to rate Rating 252Report abuse

Silly people, you cannot joke in front of Social Workers or speak your mind. Do you not realise the bounty they get for desirable adoptees? We live in Orwllian times, you cannot go around displaying what was once normal emotion, you have to keep yourself in check 24/7 unless you are sure you are alone.
- tom bowden, perth australia, 20/6/2009 4:12
Click to rate Rating 245Report abuse

You know, with horror stories like this one, I don't know why anybody would want to live in Britain. It's pathetic the terror that can be aimed at ordinary, normal, caring and competent parents.
- Kat, Virginia, US, 20/6/2009 4:02
Click to rate Rating 217Report abuse

the jackboots are already here.its just that they took them off and put them under their arms so you wouldnt hear them coming.
- eyly, england, 20/6/2009 4:01
Click to rate Rating 179Report abuse

More USSR than the actual USSR. No help offered, just spy, spy,spy. Where are these people supposed to get help if everyone around them is expecting the worst and twisting everything said and done?
- jo, N.B., Canada, 20/6/2009 3:58
Click to rate Rating 191Report abuse

Again (and I hope the DM publishes this one. For some reason my comments on the SS never seem to be) and again I have said the SS are a rule to them selves. They know whatever they do they have Council and police backing. Talk about what MP's earn and the expense scam. Well it's about time the SS should be investigated. They live in a bubble world and believe their PC attitudes is the way of real life. These people are dangerous and destructive. It's about time these bohemian,PC misfits were brought to task.
- ChelseaBill, London, 20/6/2009 3:57
Click to rate Rating 208Report abuse

The biggest problem is that the social services hide behind a 'cloak and dagger' of secrecy. All hearings and court cases are held behind closed doors and the public never get to know what happens. this leads to a great deal of mistrust of SS and the system. The public think they are a law unto themselves with no accountability for their actions. We hear of stories like baby P where it is obvious that SS acted totally irisponsibily, then we hear stories like this one ,and children being adopted instead of the extended family being allowed/given the chance to take care of them, etc. with SS putting up a wall of silence and not jusifying their actions. How can we be expected to trust what SS says when these two extremes happen without any explanation?

'Open' hearings and court cases would not harm the children but it would show why SS take the action they do and make them accountable, plus it would restore public confidence in them.
- Brian, Chonburi, Thailand., 20/6/2009 3:52
Click to rate Rating 185Report abuse

Sometimes "Big Brother" just gets it wrong and should admit it.
- simply_put, Las Vegas, NV, 20/6/2009 3:50
Click to rate Rating 142Report abuse

What in the world is going on in Britain? It sounds more like Nazi Germany every time I read an article.
- Sandra, USA, 20/6/2009 3:26
Click to rate Rating 226Report abuse

This is ridiculous. This family struggled to have a family. Now that they have a family, some social worker is taking the kids away? I would be angry too. This is just revolting.... I feel for the poor couple.
- Fab5, Washington, DC, 20/6/2009 3:19
Click to rate Rating 213Report abuse

"And when the desperate woman lost her temper at social workers who had taken her babies, officials said she had 'anger problems' and could pose a threat to her twins."

I think if social workers took my children I would probably have an anger issue too. Anger is a perfectly normal and reasonable response when someone has provoked you to it. Taking children from parents might just be seen as provocative? Especially knowing how arrogant and dismissive social workers in these cases can be.
- Dave, York, UK, 20/6/2009 3:12
Click to rate Rating 244Report abuse

Good Lord! Should every overwhelmed couple lose custody of their children? What about parenting classes first?
- eileen, struthers, oh usa, 20/6/2009 3:11
Click to rate Rating 185Report abuse

'Secret family court hearing'. Why secret? This couple clearly wanted children and spent a fortune on IVF treatment to achieve this. All parents know the problems they face with new babies, especially twins. The mother probably was clinically depressed and needed sympathy and understanding. To say she lost her temper when her children were taken by faceless do - gooders is to say she is perfectly normal! The babies should be returned to their parents immediately and helped, if necessary, by people who understand.
- Terry McCarthy, Chiang Mai, Thailand., 20/6/2009 3:10
Click to rate Rating 209Report abuse

Still like that Britain Great job ruin the life of good people ...
everyday I read about this make me happy I not from there
- Samanta, Montreal Canada, 20/6/2009 3:07
Click to rate Rating 121Report abuse

Legalized Kidnapping is starting too be a problem in the Uk,i have seen it quite often in the last few years,children need to be protected,but surely if the social services did thier job properly,there whould be no need of this kind of horrid thing to do to new parents,the system needs to be looked at quickly because its not working.
- sean, Pontypool Wales, 20/6/2009 3:06
Click to rate Rating 165Report abuse

As have had dealings with social services in Whipps X/Redbridge. I am not surprised at all.

I was interrogated when my Husband wanted to adopt my daughter. They got stroppy with me over my Son, he was "missing" on their register. By the time they "found" him, he had started School.

Then youngest daughter broke her leg in a Car accident, they thought I was lying and questioned her whenever I left the room. She got angry with them and told them to go away.

I am just so glad all my Children are now over 17. So not surprised to read about this. It almost happened to me.
- Carrie, London, 20/6/2009 3:05
Click to rate Rating 198Report abuse

I doubt a woman who has endured five rounds of IVF poses a threat to the children she obviously wants so desperately.
- Annicka, Colorado Springs, U.S.A., 20/6/2009 3:01
Click to rate Rating 188Report abuse

This is England gone mad. One of the reasons why I left the country. Feel for the parents, must be devastating to see a stranger with their babies.

Good luck to mum and dad, don't stop fighting for your children.
- Holly, Toronto, Canada, 20/6/2009 3:00
Click to rate Rating 178Report abuse
Iwish I could talk to those parents. If the boogie man kidnapped their children, wouldn't they pay any amount of money to ge t the children back? Ok, so Social Services took them. Do what it takes to get them back, including swallowing your anger and pride. Do whatever it takes.
- nanbousfield, Slidell, USA, 20/6/2009 3:00
Click to rate Rating 92Report abuse

Nazi's, Stasi, whatever. Your social workers and your out of control 'secret judicial proceedings' are pure hell for many normal families. If I was these children and found out I had been forcibly stolen from perfectly good parents I would sue the government and those social workers when I was old enough. If I was the parent I would be in jail because I would kill anyone who would steal my children. You are a sick sick nation! Evil medling social worker Nazis!
- Ronald, Toronto, CAN, 20/6/2009 2:43
Click to rate Rating 167Report abuse

if every mom that made a commit about how there bodies look after child birth got there kids taken away then there would be almost no kids left wih there parents. i know im guilty of it .i'm even guilty of saying i don't believe i gotten any real sleep in 2yrs(thats when my son was born) but that doesn't mean i hate him or dont want him. i'm just making a parenting joke. that how you stay sane as a parent you joke about things. see therew's another can tell they really wanted these babies.and if they leaved in the USA and this was on the news the next week you would be reading how they where returned home.the parent once htye get there kids back need to sue social services.
- tekia, usa, 20/6/2009 2:41
Click to rate Rating 148Report abuse

My husband and i are going through the same exact thing with social services! They questions us after a nurse called on my son, during on of his doctors appointment. Our son is developmentally delayed, and has been seeking therapy since he was old enough. When we told them how proud we were that our son was growing developmentally, such as changing his pull ups (he was being potty trained), social services wrote in their report :"The family FORCES their son to change his own diapers, emotionally neglecting him.

When social services asked what a 'typical hour was like with our son', we explained that we often went fishing at the park, took walks, or played with the neighbor hood children. Social services wrote in their report that ' the parents only supervise him for 1 hour a day, leaving him unsupervised for 23 hours a day,endangering him.

Without us knowing about it, Social Services went directly to court that same day and had our son taken and put in foster care.
- Mr. and Mrs. M, Missouri, 20/6/2009 2:20
Click to rate Rating 178Report abuse

Who knows why they social workers decide what thety decide? Clearly there is a lack of experience. Perhaps that is the way they are taught.

Too many seemingly arbitratry decisions. Too much seening injustice !

Where is the sense?
- Russell, Dorset, Dorset, UK, 20/6/2009 2:19
Click to rate Rating 113Report abuse

Of course we are only getting one side of the story here, but I can't help wondering how many 'points' the Social workers will get on the Government's scheme for getting two babies adopted...
- Julie, Leicester, UK, 20/6/2009 2:09
Click to rate Rating 149Report abuse

Here we go at it again are they? why dont social workers take children from parents who are sexually/physically abusing their kids? and just help out the families they suspect of being 'at risk of emotional or neglect'?.Isnt that what social services were created to do? paid by the public to help and teach families? seems tax payers money is paying all those salaries of social workers,solicitors,judges and adoption agencies to simply 'recycle kids'.
This i believe is Britains worst human rights abuse, when is the european court going to stop this forced adoption? or even UNICEF?
Ireland do not have forced adoption or endless tax payers money,hence they only take children they believe are being physically or sexually abused! hence only 5,000 NEEDY children in care as opposed to 70,000 in the UK with a quarter of those in care from 'at risk of emotional abuse' which includes taking children from mothers who report domestic violence.
UK social services and courts have you NO SHAME
- angela, ireland-Ex patriate, 20/6/2009 2:09
Click to rate Rating 146Report abuse

it's political correctness gone mad
- claire, dublin, 20/6/2009 2:02
Click to rate Rating 108Report abuse

Unfortunately it's now a fact of life that barely qualified council jobsworths can destroy families if they get up on the wrong side of the bed that day.
- Rollo Tomasi, Bangkok, Thailand, 20/6/2009 2:01
Click to rate Rating 157Report abuse

In developed countries (seemingly that doesn't include the UK), for example Japan and South Korea, they have the really amazing idea that social services are always there to help, to encourage, and if necessary to teach, new parents how to look after newborn babies. They don't spy like predators waiting to pounce on every parental misstep or little accident. They don't pedantically build case files full of their own suspicions, half-truths and misunderstandings. They don't contrive ways to slant the "evidence" against the parents.

Social services need drastic reform and downsizing. There are far, far too many social workers in the UK. Japan gets by with less than half as many. Cut them in half here too - council tax savings galore. A right of appeal to an independent panel with members of the public.

Whoever wants to win the next election, remember the electorate are sick and tired of the paranoid excesses of social services, and want them cut and reformed as a manifesto promise.
- Jo, Redditch, 20/6/2009 1:52
Click to rate Rating 140Report abuse

Did the hospital make any attempt to show them how to care for the babies? Teach them how much to feed and how often? Surely they would.... This is a terribly sad story.
- Anna, Evansville, USA, 20/6/2009 1:42
Click to rate Rating 133Report abuse

'The alarm over Peter's death has raised the prospect that some innocent families have been caught up in the backlash'

So many families are suffering the distressing consequences of this 'knee jerk' reaction.... I hope that this family use all their legal ability to resolve this unnecessary action....

They should be given help, especially as they haven't even had an opportunity to look after their children yet... and who is able to deal with 'twins' automatically as a 'first-time' parent?? It takes time for two babies, and their parents, to get to know each other....

If Social Services decide to take their precious babies just to meet their quota - they should repay the couple their £38,000 - may make them think about what they're doing... or may not, as Social Services staff have their hearts cut out in order to do their job...
- whatsup, uk, 20/6/2009 1:34
Click to rate Rating 116Report abuse

There sounds like there is something missing from this story.
- Melanie, USA, 20/6/2009 1:33
Click to rate Rating 89Report abuse

This is such a sad story. Obviously the parents need help and support in more than just parenting skills, and the children's care must come first, but why the rush to get them adopted? Seems to me that every one involved needs a bit of time to work things out.
- Jaz, Sydney, Australia, 20/6/2009 1:33
Click to rate Rating 105Report abuse

The majority of adopters are white people who want healthy white babies. The damaged babies of junkies are not so popular and such people probably have not very nice friends that could pose a danger to social workers. Social workers will use any excuse to supply the demand. That is how their agencies make money.

How do adoptive parents of stolen children expect to explain themselves 20 years from now when their 'children' demand explanation. It is a very cruel and selfish person who would rip a child from their family. Pretending not to know anything when the corruption is constantly reported in the media will not work when these kids come of age and realise everybody knew what was going on and few did anything to try to stop it.

There is no difference between sending out social workers to source a baby for you or paying the mafia to find one. Kidnapping is kidnapping.

The effect on the child will be the same.
- em, ireland, 20/6/2009 1:24
Click to rate Rating 155Report abuse
NEVER try to argue or joke with a lunatic, policeman or Social Worker!!
- Telecaster, Gateshead, Peoples Republic of Geordieland, 20/6/2009 1:21
Click to rate Rating 164Report abuse

Madness. This blatant abuse of power by social services has got to stop.
- Charles, Essex, 20/6/2009 1:19
Click to rate Rating 130Report abuse

They don't take children away for no reason.
- *Princess*, Newcastle upon Tyne, 20/6/2009 1:18
Click to rate Rating 324Report abuse

Stolen to order. Check through legal means who has the children and who they are going to - I would bet money that before this or any issues arose, their was a couple or two couples on a waiting list for children.

Don't take my word for it, get your legal team to fight and use freedom of information act to hound the council and its social services dept, and force them to disclose to your team just when you appeared on social services radar, and I bet you appeared on it when you were pregnant.

My thoughts might be considered a 'conspiracy theory', but after my student nursing years, what io learnt of the English social services system and its claws into the nursing profession, I physically relocated outside of England.
- Ian, UK, 20/6/2009 1:14
Click to rate Rating 144Report abuse

I have a list of 155 mothers to date whose children have been taken away on false grounds whereby lies have been written about them by Social Workers and the truth twisted. They also did the same to me with regards my son.

Well done Daily Mail, once again, for highlighting he plight of the falsely accused and Im sure more stories of this kind will come out too
- Sabina Heywood, London, UK, 20/6/2009 1:14
Click to rate Rating 177Report abuse

They can't do this...this is stealing their children! I'm definitely never having my children in England, i'd be too scared of the social services deciding that i'm not good enough. Havering, stop this right now. You're already harming the children by having separated them from their parents at an incredibly important bonding stage.
- Helen, Surrey, 20/6/2009 1:11
Click to rate Rating 141Report abuse

Labour gestapo.This cannot go on for another year.
- jack, ashford.england, 20/6/2009 1:10
Click to rate Rating 129Report abuse

This couple should instruct solicitors immediately and sue the hospital and local authority for defamation and breach of the Human Rights Act; they should report the nurses to the CEO for failing to assist the social workers to their CEO for gross misconduct. If I were them I would demand that the social workers be suspended without pay pending the outcome of the complaint. The couple should also complain to the General Social Care Council and ask that it strike off the social workers permanently for professional misconduct.

They should lodge an immediate appeal against the court order and report the judge to the Office of Judicial Complaints for breaching the new policy about not making decisions like this behind closed doors, the couple do not appear to have been properly represented or been allowed to give their side of the story. The solicitors should demand the children be returned immediately, that the couple receive an unreserved public apology and substantial damages.
- Gladiatrix, London, England, 20/6/2009 1:08
Click to rate Rating 149Report abuse

Take your children and emigrate as far away from Britain as you can - and all decent English people should do the same thing - run as far away from that country as you can-
run now and fast. It is a draconian police state - get your children back and run now. They want their mum and dad noone else and you have done nothing wrong. Get out of there - it is a very scary place.
- Julie Bonner, Norwalk, CT, 20/6/2009 0:59
Click to rate Rating 123Report abuse

When I had my first child in England, I had to hook my arms around my legs to hold them up in the air for the actual birth, due to lack of stirrups in the birthing room. I didn't want to hold the baby immediately after she was born, because my arms were shaking from the strain of holding my own legs up in the air, so I asked my husband to hold her. The midwife immediately reported "She's rejecting her baby", and it was difficult to convince her otherwise.
- Jean, Charlotte, NC, USA, 20/6/2009 0:58
Click to rate Rating 148Report abuse

This article is inciting questioning of the Total Solution State - the writer must be tasered and then off to a New Labour Camp for re-orientation.
If you have a problem with the State knowing best, you are still allowed to emigrate as most white people with the means to do so have done.
The window of opportunity is already closing as the State may no longer allow the sheeple to leave willy-nilly.
- Angora Padley, Oldham, 20/6/2009 0:39
Click to rate Rating 100Report abuse

Here we go again, babies are being taken to meet adoption targets. When will everyone wake up??
- phoenixjenny, Not the Uk any more, its a scary place., 20/6/2009 0:39
Click to rate Rating 165Report abuse

Sounds like NuLab-Pf control freaks are at it again. I know that Social Workers are often between a rock and a hard place. But this is just 'Police State' tactic. Of course the local Council's Social Works Department will have a prewritten script to babble from about..."Working hard to... blah, blah, blah..." just like the rest of New Labour's petty Jobsworth Stazis.

It must make Komrade Joe Stalin proud to know that the UK has Proto-Marxist Numpties running the country. Ooops! Did I say 'running the country', I meant to say...'Ruining the country!'

Long Live Komrade Lord Meddlesome and Komrade Broone!!!
- Uncle Vanya, East Anglia area UK, 20/6/2009 0:35
Click to rate Rating 117Report abuse

i work in a job that involves child protection. believe me children are not taken from their parents without reason. i have families where the kids really should be removed and they are not. it is irresponsible to print such one-sided sensationalist stories when it comes to child protection. the media has a responsibility as much as the social workers.
- rachel, essex, uk, 20/6/2009 0:35
Click to rate Rating 221Report abuse

The more I read about the power of social workers to steal children from loving homes and put them up for adoption the more certain I am that I will never return to the UK while my children are young. I cannot understand why the public allows this to happen?
- Mama S, Atlanta, USA, 20/6/2009 0:30
Click to rate Rating 150Report abuse

It is imposible to reason with town hall hittlers and their likes, they only ever cause misery to ordinary people and have an apaling record of failure in cases where their powers should be used.
We need to be protected by law from these medling monsters who regularly abuse their powers.
- Andrew White, Brighton, England, 20/6/2009 0:19
Click to rate Rating 140Report abuse

It is imposible to reason with town hall hittlers and their likes, they only ever cause misery to ordinary people and have an apaling record of failure in cases where their powers should be used.
We need to be protected by law from these medling monsters who regularly abuse their powers.
- Andrew White, Brighton, England, 20/6/2009 0:19
Click to rate Rating 140Report abuse

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